Seite 287 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Exciting to Children
627. You should be teaching your children. You should be instruct-
ing them how to shun the vices and corruptions of this age. Instead of
this, many are studying how to get something good to eat. You place
upon your tables butter, eggs, and meat, and your children partake of
them. They are fed with the very things that will excite their animal
passions, and then you come to meeting and ask God to bless and save
your children. How high do your prayers go? You have a work to do
first. When you have done all for your children which God has left for
you to do, then you can with confidence claim the special help that
God has promised to give you.—
Testimonies for the Church 2:362,
Properties in Eggs Are Remedial Agencies; Guard Against
628. Do not go to extremes in regard to the health reform. Some
of our people are very careless in regard to health reform. But because
some are far behind, you must not, in order to be an example to them,
be an extremist. You must not deprive yourself of that class of food
which makes good blood. Your devotion to true principles is leading
you to submit yourself to a diet which is giving you an experience that
will not recommend health reform. This is your danger. When you see
that you are becoming weak physically, it is essential for you to make
changes, and at once. Put into your diet something you have left out.
It is your duty to do this. Get eggs of healthy fowls. Use these eggs
cooked or raw. Drop them uncooked into the best unfermented wine
you can find. This will supply that which is necessary to your system.
Do not for a moment suppose that it will not be right to do this....
The time will come when milk cannot be used as freely as it is now
used; but the present is not the time to discard it. And eggs contain
properties which are remedial agencies in counteracting poisons....—
Letter 37, 1901
In Sanitarium Dietary
While I would discard flesh meat as injurious, something less
objectionable may be used, and this is found in eggs. Do not remove
milk from the table or forbid its being used in the cooking of food.