Seite 285 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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620. Much time should be spent in learning how to prepare nut
foods. But care should be taken not to reduce the bill of fare to a few
articles, using little else than the nut foods. The majority of our people
cannot obtain the nut preparations; few know how to prepare them
properly for use, even if they could buy them.—
Letter 177, 1901
621. The foods used should correspond to the climate. Some foods
suitable for one country would not do at all in another place. And the
nut foods should be made as inexpensive as possible, so that they can
be procured by the poor.—
Letter 14, 1901
Proportion of Nuts to Other Ingredients
622. Careful attention should be given to the proper use of nut
foods. Some kinds of nuts are not so wholesome as others. Do
not reduce the bill of fare to a few articles composed largely of nut
foods. These foods should not be used too freely. If they were used
more sparingly by some, the results would be more satisfactory. As
combined in large proportions with other articles in some of the recipes
given, they make the food so rich that the system cannot properly
assimilate it.—
Letter 135, 1902
623. I have been instructed that the nut foods are often used
unwisely, that too large a proportion of nuts is used, that some nuts are
not as wholesome as others. Almonds are preferable to peanuts; but
peanuts, in limited quantities, may be used in connection with grains
to make nourishing and digestible food.—
Testimonies for the Church
7:134, 1902
624. Three years ago a letter came to me saying, “I cannot eat the
nut foods; my stomach cannot take care of them.” Then there were
several recipes presented before me; one was that there must be other
ingredients combined with the nuts, which would harmonize with
them, and not use such a large proportion of nuts. One-tenth to one-
sixth part of nuts would be sufficient, varied according to combinations.
We tried this, and with success.—
Letter 188, 1901
Too Large a Proportion of Nuts Used—400, 411
Not All Can Use the Nut Foods—589
Use of nut foods in the White home-Appendix 1:16