Seite 264 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Counsels on Diet and Foods
no strength to combat disease. I would prefer a meat diet to the sweet
cakes and pastries so generally used.—
Letter 10, 1891
552. Let health reformers remember that they may do harm by
publishing recipes which do not recommend health reform. Great care
is to be shown in furnishing recipes for custards and pastry. If for
dessert sweet cake is eaten with milk or cream, fermentation will be
created in the stomach, and then the weak points of the human organ-
ism will tell the story. The brain will be affected by the disturbance
in the stomach. This may be easily cured if people will study from
cause to effect, cutting out of their diet that which injures the digestive
organs and causes pain in the head. By unwise eating, men and women
are unfitted for the work they might do without injury to themselves if
they would eat simply.—
Letter 142, 1900
553. I am convinced that none need to make themselves sick
preparing for camp meeting, if they observe the laws of health in
their cooking. If they make no cake or pies, but cook simple graham
bread, and depend on fruit, canned or dried, they need not get sick
in preparing for the meeting, and they need not be sick while at the
Testimonies for the Church 2:602, 1871
554. It is better to let sweet things alone. Let alone those sweet
dessert dishes that are placed on the table. You do not need them. You
want a clear mind to think after God’s order. We should now come into
line with health reform principles.—
The Review and Herald, January
7, 1902
Cakes, Pies, Ices, Served at Rich Dinners and Late Suppers—233
Preparations for Fashionable Gatherings—128
Educating the Appetite to Accept a Plain Diet—245
Fasting a Help in Overcoming Perverted Appetite—312
Though Mince Pies, Spices, etc., Are Discarded, Food Should Be
Prepared with Care—389
Cakes or Pies Not to Be Included in Preparations for Camp
Meeting—57, 74
Rich food and desserts not served in White home—Appendix 1:4,
The Less Condiments and Desserts, the Better—193
Rich Desserts Served with Vegetables—722
Rich Pastry Deranges the Stomach and Excites the Nerves—356