Seite 254 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Counsels on Diet and Foods
the taste to love this gross diet, it is high time that we were educating
ourselves to subsist upon fruits, grains, and vegetables.... A variety of
simple dishes, perfectly healthful and nourishing, may be provided,
aside from meat. Hearty men must have plenty of vegetables, fruits,
and grains.—
Letter 3, 1884
For the Helpers’ Table—444, 651
To Take the Place of Flesh Meat—492, 649, 765, 795
To Take the Place of Rich Foods—312
Not Relished by Those Accustomed to Transgressing Nature’s
Laws—204, 563
Flesh Diet Vegetables Secondhand—482
515. The Lord intends to bring His people back to live upon simple
fruits, vegetables, and grains.—
Letter 72, 1896
Some Cannot Use Vegetables
516. In a medical institution there are varied appetites to satisfy.
Some require well-prepared vegetables to meet their peculiar needs.
Others have not been able to use vegetables without suffering the
Letter 45, 1903
Potatoes, Irish and Sweet
517. We do not think fried potatoes are healthful, for there is
more or less grease or butter used in preparing them. Good baked or
boiled potatoes served with cream and a sprinkling of salt are the most
healthful. The remnants of Irish and sweet potatoes are prepared with
a little cream and salt and rebaked, and not fried; they are excellent.—
Letter 322, 1905
Beans a Wholesome Dish
518. Another very simple yet wholesome dish, is beans boiled or
baked. Dilute a portion of them with water, add milk or cream, and
make a broth.—
Testimonies for the Church 2:603, 1871
Growing and Preserving Vegetables
519. Many do not see the importance of having land to cultivate,
and of raising fruit and vegetables, that their tables may be supplied