Seite 25 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Reasons for Reform
Lord has given me light that when the Israel of today humble them-
selves before Him, and cleanse the soul temple from all defilement,
He will hear their prayers in behalf of the sick, and will bless in the
use of His remedies for disease. When in faith the human agent does
all he can to combat disease, using the simple methods of treatment
that God has provided, his efforts will be blessed of God.
If, after so much light has been given, God’s people will cherish
wrong habits, indulging self and refusing to reform, they will suffer the
sure consequences of transgression. If they are determined to gratify
perverted appetite at any cost, God will not miraculously save them
from the consequences of their indulgence. They “shall lie down in
Isaiah 50:11
Those who choose to be presumptuous, saying, “The Lord has
healed me, and I need not restrict my diet; I can eat and drink as I
please,” will erelong need, in body and soul, the restoring power of
God. Because the Lord has graciously healed you, you must not think
you can link yourselves up with the self-indulgent practices of the
world. Do as Christ commanded after His work of healing,—“go, and
sin no more.”
John 8:11
. Appetite must not be your god.—
for the Church 9:164, 165, 1909
28. The health reform is a branch of the special work of God for
the benefit of His people....
I saw that the reason why God did not hear the prayers of His
servants for the sick among us more fully was, that He could not be
glorified in so doing while they were violating the laws of health. And
I also saw that He designed the health reform and Health Institute to
prepare the way for the prayer of faith to be fully answered. Faith and
good works should go hand in hand in relieving the afflicted among us,
and in fitting them to glorify God here, and to be saved at the coming
of Christ.—
Testimonies for the Church 1:560, 561, 1867
29. Many have expected that God would keep them from sickness
merely because they have asked Him to do so. But God did not regard
their prayers, because their faith was not made perfect by works. God
will not work a miracle to keep those from sickness who have no care
for themselves, but are continually violating the laws of health, and
make no efforts to prevent disease. When we do all we can on our part
to have health, then may we expect that the blessed results will follow,
and we can ask God in faith to bless our efforts for the preservation of