Seite 215 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Health Foods and Hygienic Restaurants
simple, inexpensive, wholesome foods will be provided. If they will
seek wisdom from God, He will teach them how to plan and devise to
utilize these productions. I am instructed to say, Forbid them not.—
Manuscript 40, 1902
Health Foods to Precede Advanced Phases of Health Reform
408. In the field in which you are working, there is much to be
learned regarding the preparation of healthful foods. Foods that are
perfectly healthful and yet inexpensive are to be made. To the poor
the gospel of health is to be preached. In the manufacture of these
foods, ways will be opened up whereby those who accept the truth and
lose their work, will be able to earn a living. The productions which
God has supplied are to be made up into healthful foods, which people
can prepare for themselves. Then we can appropriately present the
principles of health reform, and those who hear will be convinced of
the consistency of these principles, and will accept them. But until
we can present health reform foods which are palatable, nourishing,
and yet inexpensive, we are not at liberty to present the most advanced
phases of health reform in diet.—
Letter 98, 1901
To Encourage Development of Individual Talents—376
409. Wherever the truth is proclaimed, instruction should be given
in the preparation of healthful foods. God desires that in every place
the people should be taught to use wisely the products that can be
easily obtained. Skillful teachers should show the people how to
utilize to the very best advantage the products that they can raise or
secure in their section of the country. Thus the poor, as well as those
in better circumstances, can learn to live healthfully.—
Testimonies for
the Church 7:132, 1902
Nut Ingredients to Be Used Sparingly
410. The Lord would have people in all parts of the world become
intelligent in regard to using the productions of the soil in every lo-
cality. The products of each locality are to be studied and carefully
investigated, to see if they cannot be combined in such a way as to
simplify the production of foods and lessen the cost of manufacture
and transportation. Let all do their best under the Lord’s supervision
to accomplish this. There are many expensive articles of food that the