Seite 212 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Counsels on Diet and Foods
commend themselves to unbelievers. But as a usual thing, too many
nuts are used in the combinations made.—
Manuscript 156, 1901
Simple, Easily Prepared, Healthful
401. I must now give to my brethren the instruction that the Lord
has given me in regard to the health food question. By many the health
foods are looked upon as of man’s devising, but they are of God’s
originating, as a blessing to His people. The health food work is the
property of God, and is not to be made a financial speculation for
personal gain. The light that God has given and will continue to give
on the food question is to be to His people today what the manna was
to the children of Israel. The manna fell from heaven, and the people
were told to gather it, and prepare it to be eaten. So in the different
countries of the world, light will be given to the Lord’s people, and
health foods suited to these countries will be prepared.
The members of every church are to cultivate the tact and ingenuity
that God will give them. The Lord has skill and understanding for
all who will use their ability in striving to learn how to combine
the productions of the earth so as to make simple, easily prepared,
healthful foods, which will take the place of flesh meats, so that people
will have no excuse for eating flesh meat.
Those who are given a knowledge of how to prepare such foods
must use their knowledge unselfishly. They are to help their poor
brethren. They are to be producers as well as consumers.
It is God’s purpose that health foods shall be manufactured in many
places. Those who accept the truth are to learn how to prepare these
simple foods. It is not the Lord’s plan that the poor shall suffer for the
necessaries of life. The Lord calls upon His people in the different
countries to ask Him for wisdom, and then to use aright the wisdom He
gives. We are not to settle down in hopelessness and discouragement.
We are to do our best to enlighten others.—
Manuscript 78, 1902
More Simple and Less Expensive
402. In many respects, improvements can be made in the health
foods sent out from our factories. The Lord will teach His servants how
to make food preparations that are more simple and less expensive.
There are many whom He will teach in this line if they will walk in