Seite 199 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Healthful Cookery
because they will not take the trouble to do this. I say to such, It is
time for you to rouse your dormant energies, and inform yourselves.
Do not think the time wasted which is devoted to obtaining a thorough
knowledge and experience in the preparation of healthful, palatable
food. No matter how long an experience you have had in cooking, if
you still have the responsibilities of a family, it is your duty to learn
how to care for them properly.—[
Christian Temperance and Bible
Hygiene, 49
Counsels on Health, 117, 1890
Let Men and Women Learn to Cook
374. Many who adopt the health reform complain that it does
not agree with them; but after sitting at their tables I come to the
conclusion that it is not the health reform that is at fault, but the poorly
prepared food. I appeal to men and women to whom God has given
intelligence: Learn how to cook. I make no mistake when I say “men,”
for they, as well as women, need to understand the simple, healthful
preparation of food. Their business often takes them where they cannot
obtain wholesome food. They may be called to remain days and even
weeks in families that are entirely ignorant in this respect. Then, if
they have the knowledge, they can use it to good purpose.—[
Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 56, 57
Counsels on Health, 155,
Study Health Journals
375. Those who do not know how to cook hygienically should
learn to combine wholesome, nourishing articles of food in such a way
as to make appetizing dishes. Let those who desire to gain knowledge
in this line subscribe for our health journals. They will find information
on this point in them....
Without continually exercising ingenuity, no one can excel in
healthful cookery, but those whose hearts are open to impressions
and suggestions from the Great Teacher will learn many things, and
will be able also to teach others; for He will give them skill and
Letter 135, 1902