Seite 195 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Diet in Childhood
find strength to resist every temptation. Keep before their minds that
they were not created merely to please themselves, but to be the Lord’s
agent for noble purposes. Teach them, when temptations urge into
paths of selfish indulgences, when Satan is seeking to shut out God
from their sight, to look to Jesus, pleading, “Save, Lord, that I be not
overcome.” Angels will gather about them in answer to their prayer,
and lead them into safe paths.
Christ prayed for His disciples, not that they should be taken out of
the world, but that they should be kept from evil,—that they might be
kept from yielding to the temptations they would meet on every hand.
This is a prayer that should be offered up by every father and mother.
But should they thus plead with God in behalf of their children, and
then leave them to do as they please? Should they pamper the appetite
until it gets the mastery, and then expect to restrain the children? No;
temperance and self-control should be taught from the very cradle up.
Upon the mother must rest largely the responsibility of this work. The
tenderest earthly tie is that between the mother and her child. The
child is more readily impressed by the life and example of the mother
than by that of the father, because of this stronger and more tender
bond of union. Yet the mother’s responsibility is a heavy one and
should have the constant aid of the father.—[
Christian Temperance
and Bible Hygiene, 63, 64
Fundamentals of Christian Education, 152,
153, 1890
366. It will pay you, mothers, to use the precious hours which
are given you by God in forming the character of your children, and
in teaching them to adhere strictly to the principles of temperance in
eating and drinking....
Satan sees that he cannot have so great power over minds when
the appetite is kept under control as when it is indulged, and he is
constantly working to lead men to indulgence. Under the influence
of unhealthful food, the conscience becomes stupefied, the mind is
darkened, and its susceptibility to impressions is impaired. But the
guilt of the transgressor is not lessened because the conscience has
been violated till it has become insensible.—[
Christian Temperance
and Bible Hygiene, 79, 80
Fundamentals of Christian Education, 143,
367. Fathers and mothers, watch unto prayer. Guard strictly against
intemperance in every form. Teach your children the principles of true