Seite 17 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Reasons for Reform
than to struggle against them, and go forward. Dissipation, disease,
and death follow. This is the history of many lives that might have
been useful in the cause of God and humanity.
Seek for Perfection
2. God desires us to reach the standard of perfection made possible
for us by the gift of Christ. He calls upon us to make our choice on
the right side, to connect with heavenly agencies, to adopt principles
that will restore in us the divine image. In His written word and in the
great book of nature He has revealed the principles of life. It is our
work to obtain a knowledge of these principles, and by obedience to
cooperate with Him in restoring health to the body as well as to the
The Ministry of Healing, 114, 115, 1905
3. The living organism is God’s property. It belongs to Him by
creation and by redemption; and by a misuse of any of our powers we
rob God of the honor due to Him.—
Letter 73a, 1896
A Question of Obedience
4. The obligations we owe to God in presenting to Him clean, pure,
healthy bodies are not comprehended.—
Manuscript 49, 1897
5. A failure to care for the living machinery is an insult to the
Creator. There are divinely appointed rules which if observed will
keep human beings from disease and premature death.—
Letter 120,
6. One reason why we do not enjoy more of the blessing of the
Lord is, we do not heed the light which He has been pleased to give
us in regard to the laws of life and health.—
The Review and Herald,
May 8, 1883
7. God is as truly the author of physical laws as He is author of
the moral law. His law is written with His own finger upon every
nerve, every muscle, every faculty, which has been entrusted to man.—
Christ’s Object Lessons, 347, 348, 1900
8. The Creator of man has arranged the living machinery of our
bodies. Every function is wonderfully and wisely made. And God
pledged Himself to keep this human machinery in healthful action if
the human agent will obey His laws and cooperate with God. Every
law governing the human machinery is to be considered just as truly