Seite 167 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Extremes in Diet
unbelievers cannot be reached by the present truth upon the Sabbath
and the soon coming of our Saviour. The most precious truths are
cast aside by the people as unworthy of a hearing. These men are
referred to as representatives of health reformers and Sabbathkeepers
in general. A great responsibility rests upon those who have thus
proved a stumbling block to unbelievers.—
Testimonies for the Church
2:384-387, 1870
Urging Personal Opinions and Personal Tests
330. The time has come when health reform will be received in its
importance by many in high places and in low places. But we are to
allow nothing to eclipse the message we have to bear, the third angel’s
message, connected with the messages of the first and second angel.
We must not allow minor things to bind us in a small circle, where we
cannot obtain access to the people at large.
The church and the world need all the influence, all the talents
God has given us. All we have should be appropriated to His use.
In presenting the gospel, keep out all your own opinions. We have
a world-wide message, and the Lord wants His servants to guard
sacredly the trust He has given them. To every man of God has
given his work. Then let no false message be borne. Let there be no
straining into inconsistent problems the grand light of health reform.
The inconsistencies of one rest upon the whole body of believers;
therefore when one goes to extremes, great harm is done to the cause
of God.
The carrying of things to extremes is a matter to be dreaded. It
always results in my being compelled to speak to prevent matters from
being misunderstood, so that the world will not have cause to think that
Seventh-day Adventists are a body of extremists. When we seek to
pull people out of the fire on the one hand, the very words which then
have to be spoken to correct evils are used to justify indulgence on the
other hand. May the Lord keep us from human tests and extremes.
Let no one advance extreme views in regard to what we shall eat
and what we shall drink. The Lord has given light. Let our people
accept the light and walk in the light. There needs to be a great increase
in the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ. This knowledge is eternal
life. An increase of piety, of good, humble, spiritual religion would