Seite 105 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Improper Eating a Cause of Disease
207. Those foods should be chosen that best supply the elements
needed for building up the body. In this choice, appetite is not a safe
guide. Through wrong habits of eating, the appetite has become per-
verted. Often it demands food that impairs health and causes weakness
instead of strength. We cannot safely be guided by the customs of
society. The disease and suffering that everywhere prevail are largely
due to popular errors in regard to diet.—
The Ministry of Healing, 295,
208. Only when we are intelligent in regard to the principles of
healthful living, can we be fully aroused to see the evils resulting from
improper diet. Those who, after seeing their mistakes, have courage
to change their habits, will find that the reformatory process requires
a struggle and much perseverance; but when correct tastes are once
formed, they will realize that the use of the food which they formerly
regarded as harmless, was slowly but surely laying the foundation
for dyspepsia and other diseases.—
Testimonies for the Church 9:160,
209. God requires of His people continual advancement. We
need to learn that indulged appetite is the greatest hindrance to mental
improvement and soul sanctification. With all our profession of health
reform many of us eat improperly. Indulgence of appetite is the greatest
cause of physical and mental debility, and lies largely at the foundation
of feebleness and premature death. Let the individual who is seeking
to possess purity of spirit bear in mind that in Christ there is power to
control the appetite.—
Testimonies for the Church 9:156, 1909
Overeating a Cause of Disease: see Section VII, “Overeating,”
and Section VIII, “Control of Appetite”
Relation of Flesh Diet to Disease—668-677, 689, 690, 691, 692,
713, 722
Disease Caused by Use of Tea and Coffee—734, 736, 737, 741